Paper Thin Sky, Oil, 24x36, 2015
Nash, Water Color and Color Pencil, 6x10, 2014
Squeezers, Oil, 36x24, 2015
Advantage of a Vacuum, Collage and Acrylic on Canvas, 28x28, 2015
Bendable River, Acrylic and Collage, 24x32, 2013
Camouflage for the Apocalypse, Collage and Oil on Canvas, 9'x9', 2015
Deliberation and Chance in Equal Measure, Acrylic-Collage, 48x48, 2013
Dream Blister, Oil on Panel, 7x7, 2015
Essence of Olney, Collage, 10x18, 2013
Eternal Landscape of the Dream, Collage- Acrylic, 48x48, 2013
Frantic Delirium, Acrylic-Collage-on Canvas, 15x15, 2014
Gravity, Meltacrylic-Collage-Oil, 28x28, 2013
Interpretative Delirium, Melted Plastic and Acrylic, 24x32, 2013
Memories - Layers of Forgetfulness, Acrylic and Collage, 24x32, 2013
Primordial Slime, Oil on Panel, 8x8, 2014
Secret Resolutions of Providence, Collage and Oil on Canvas, 6x4, 2014
Serpent Delirium, Acrylic Collage on Canvas, 24x48, 2013
Sickening and Insane Tragedies of a Vast Ruthless Cosmos, Collage and Oil, 3'x5', 2009
Smeary Nash, Pen and Ink on Panel, 8x10, 2010
Spiraling Medifors, Collage-Acrylic, 28x28, 2013
The Three, Collage and Oil, 12x20, 2011
The Transendent Bugs Radical Victory Just at the Moment of Death, Acrylic-Collage, 10x10, 2013
Trailer Park, Oil on Canvas, 28x48, 2012
Transendent Victory Crushed Flat by Dreary Biology, Acrylic-Oil-Collage, 108x84, 2013
Trenches of Self-Awareness, Collage and Acrylic, 28x28, 2013
U, Acrylic-Collage, 48x48, 2013
Unconscious Resolution, Oil-Acrylic-Collage, 8x8, 2013
Ungreatful Meditations, Oil-Acrylic-Collage, 108x72, 2013
Woozy Landscape, Acrylic and Collage, 24x32, 2013
Yurlunger, Acrylic-Collage-on Canvas, 18x24, 2014